Friday, May 27, 2011

Help! My 8 year old is always in trouble!!

Momcierge - My 8 y/o son is always getting in trouble at school and home. His teachers are so fed up with his behavior at school, they don't want him there any more. At home he gets in so much trouble all he is allowed to do is stay in his room and has no toys any more. I don't know what to do with him and am going bonkers trying to get him to calm down and act right!

1 comment:

  1. The big thing with a situation like this is to find out WHY he is acting like this. Kids aren't born with the knowledge and know-how to completely understand how to communicate their problems and ideas to adults. It is our job, as parents, to listen to them and watch their actions to see what is wrong and how we can help them. Is his biggest problem is in school? Is there a conflict with a teacher or another student? Or did the issue begin at home and carry over to school? Adults sometimes become frustrated with kids when they don't take the time to sit down and LISTEN to their kids. Maybe your son is just trying to get some much needed attention and is confused and upset trying to get it.
    Some kids have more energy and higher metabolism than others and need a little more challenge in their day. Activities and play time are a good way to balance the extra exertion. Keeping him shut up in a room will likely lead to more problems as he tries to find ways to release the energy and winds up doing something that may get him into trouble.
    Love him, Listen to him and Let him be a kid. Remember that we were all that age and how it felt to try to please the adults in our lives and have fun at the same time.
    I hope this helps and please keep me updated on your progress!!
