Saturday, April 27, 2013

Birth Choices - An Open Discussion

It is shocking and sad that in the past 70 years in America, women's choices for their birth experience has been so altered from what has been done since the first baby was born and the endless number of babies born to this earth from then on. How did women and our natural capabilities and wondrous power get removed from the equation when it came time to set the standards for giving birth in an institution?

Everyday I encounter women who don't trust themselves and surrender their bodies to another person who has nothing invested in her personally - or professionally. It's what we are supposed to do, right? We are told from the time we can remember to trust authority, trust what the doctor tells you - after all, they know you better than you know yourself.

Tell me what you think, what is your perception of birth? What choices did/do you make for yourself, your pregnancy and birth?
In or out of hospital - How was your care, what options were presented to you and what choices did YOU make, for YOU.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Boutique @ Momcierge - Grand Opening!!!


Feels good to finally get the word out about our little shop! We are slowly building our inventory (Please be patient) and will be adding new items as they come in! PLease check back often and if there is something in particular you are looking for, we will do our best to accommodate you and keep you on our list to contact.

We will offer a variety of things for mamas and families, including carriers and slings, cloth diapers and accessories, jewelry and more!! Some items will be handmade or homemade (and will be noted as so) and we plan to have a gently used and a "re-use" section in time. 

Another project I am please to announce is our cloth re-diaper program. Far too many families struggle to afford disposable diapers and wipes and often times this can lead to a child's discomfit or worse. Although Cloth Diapers are economically a better choice for a lot of families, unfortunately in our society many people see them as a bother and complicated or messy. Most people simply don't understand how to use and clean cloth diapers. 
Our goal is to educate, inform and demonstrate the uses and benefits of cloth diapering to these families and assist them with a startup package. We are hoping to include at least ten diapers  - whatever style; pre-folds, AIO, pocket, etc... - upon qualifying for the program and completing the class. 
Ten diapers may not seem like a lot, but it is a start. 

As Momcierge grows and expands we hope to see more women and families become aware, educated and empowered to make good choices and obtain the resources they need and will serve in whatever capacity we are able to in order to achieve those goals. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

More changes on the way...

Hello, everyone! Sorry it has been a while - once again. Lots of babies being born, classes being taught, etc...
SO, I am about to have a "Boutique" set up with some good deals on cool items for cool mamas!! I will be slowly adding more things to the inventory as I am able to get them, so please check back, send me a note with a "quest" item and I will do everything I can to get it or keep an eye out for something!! I will also have some special order items available as well as auction items. Of course there will be giveaways - I am a couponer and love it when I see a good giveaway, so Stay Tuned!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Adjustable One Size Pocket Diapers!!

So, I have used several brands of cloth diapers, covers, etc.. and each has there good, bad and other features. The thing I really like about the Baby Ikawa PD is that the pocket opening is able to open wide enough for my hand AND a medium to large pre-fold. I am able to pull it all the way in and make any adjustments without getting my hand stuck! 
Also, they have a nice fleece lining that is super easy to wash and clean. The inserts are absorbent, however, they need an extra something if you have a heavy wetter. 
Brightly colored PUL fabric is easy to clean and durable, multiple snaps for adjusting to your growing baby. 
These PDs are super nice and affordable and right now come with a FREE Insert for $10.99. 

If interested in purchasing these awesome diapers, email me at