Saturday, April 27, 2013

Birth Choices - An Open Discussion

It is shocking and sad that in the past 70 years in America, women's choices for their birth experience has been so altered from what has been done since the first baby was born and the endless number of babies born to this earth from then on. How did women and our natural capabilities and wondrous power get removed from the equation when it came time to set the standards for giving birth in an institution?

Everyday I encounter women who don't trust themselves and surrender their bodies to another person who has nothing invested in her personally - or professionally. It's what we are supposed to do, right? We are told from the time we can remember to trust authority, trust what the doctor tells you - after all, they know you better than you know yourself.

Tell me what you think, what is your perception of birth? What choices did/do you make for yourself, your pregnancy and birth?
In or out of hospital - How was your care, what options were presented to you and what choices did YOU make, for YOU.

1 comment:

  1. Well my first birth....I didn't think I had options....I listened to the Doctor....did what she said....didn't even try to listen to my body.....I weren't into mild labor....went straight to the hospital.....was put on Pitocin to"speed up" my labor. Endured 64 hours of labor....was given an epidural after 36 hours........they accused me my daughter was now distressed and it all ended in a c section!!!!! I said never again..... Since then 21 years ago...I have had 6 vbacs at home....and one more blessing....I did have ac section #8 due to breech positioning.....I have to ask myself....would my first daughter have been a c section if I had known my options and listened to my body????
