Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blogvertise iPad Giveaway

Blogvertise is giving away an iPad on December 15th!!!! If you are a blogger - you need this iPad!!!
GO to Blogvertise.com for more information - HURRY!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Target Gift Card GIveaway!!!

Check out this AWESOME GC giveaway enter before 11.22.11 to WIN!!!


Organic QP's

http://www.facebook.com/Glutino go here and like them for a $1 off Gluten Free Bread QP

http://www.pomwonderful.com/?vopen=coupon_pomidays  - POM $1 off 1 QP


Cherry Tomatoes

http://www.newmansownorganics.com/coupon/october-coupons.pdf - Newman's Own qp's

Here are a few good ones out there, I know there are more, check out my links to find more!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Moms getting married

I know being a single mom is hard and I you're looking for a man, it can bring on a hole slew of difficult issues. However, the one thing that SHOULD always be in the front of your heart and mind is your child(ren). All too often I see two people come together and one of those people has a kid (or kids) from a previous relationship and there is tension, discontent and sometimes other serious issues between the new romance and the kid(s). I have seen these issues escalate and become so severe that abuse, neglect and social services become the norm. The person (or people) who suffer the most are the kids!
Often times the single parent becomes so involved with their new interest that the child(ren) take a backseat to the wants and needs of the new love. Often times when a child feels they are no longer important they will act out or try to get attention in any way they can - which can have a negative backlash.
The important thing with any situation is to remember that our children learn life from our examples and ways. What we teach and show them is what they know and understand to be life. It is a huge responsibility and privilege to be a parent and should not be something taken lightly.
Give love and get love. Give nothing and watch out!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

How do I coupon - I have no idea where to start!!!!!

I get this a LOT. Actually, I was in line, checking out on Saturday evening at Publix - binder in my cart and a stack of little papers in my hand - when a man behind me said, "You're the real deal, huh?"

I answered with an almost shy response, "No, no, not me, I am not like those ladies on TV. I have a large family and I coupon for what we need. I also help others get what they need and send coupons all over the place."

He asked if I follow any of the sites and I told him that I look at some, but I mostly try to do it myself and share what I learn with others.

I do look at some of the previews from time to time, but with such a busy schedule and family, I don't have a ton of time to devote to scouring the sites and reading all the blogs - although I would like to. I hardly have time to keep up my own blogs!!!

One of the first things people say to me is - I don't know how to coupon!! I don't know where to start!

I ask - What are you couponing for? How do you organize your qp's?

Getting (and staying) organized is crucial! If you don't know what you have and how to use it, you won't! There is no right or wrong way to organize - some use envelopes, accordion files, hanging files, recipe- style boxes with dividers and, of course, the binder.
I do keep my binder in my car just in case I'm out and spot a clearance deal, however, I usually sit down and make a plan with my circulars and qp's to make sure I am getting the max for my money!
If you don't have a plan before you go to the store(s) you will spend more than you intended.
Now, you won't always have qp's for everything on your list, but, you can still find deals and other ways to make the budget fit your list. It takes a little time and a lot of patience, but once you're in the habit of getting prepared, it will be a second nature!

Also - don't forget, when checking the weekly circulars, look to the drugstores for the specials, coupled with whatever reward system they offer (ECB's, RR, etc...) this is where you will really save on most of your household and beauty products and even at times some food items. Use rewards in conjunction with coupons and sales and watch your shopping savvy take on a whole new light!!!

For more information or questions/requests, please leave a post or contact me - I'm always happy to help!

Sunday Qp's - Ready or NOT!!!

So, I am sure I am not the only one who has noticed the lack of exceptional deals in the coupons we have been getting over the past few months. Not sure if it is because of the overwhelming rate of increase in people using them (and obtaining them through illegal means) or if the store policy changes are having an effect or maybe even it is just the season.... (which the last reason really doesn't make sense to me, seems like this is THE time of year we all need more - back to school, sports, scouts, holidays coming up, etc...)
At any rate, it is what it is and we all have to do what we can to get what we need and get the best deal.

With that being said, has anyone found any awesome deals this week, so far? I am working on my lists and will post as soon as I get the results I am looking for, please do the same!!!

Good Luck and Great Deals to you!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday QP's!!!

Working my way through the circulars and coupons this morning - Did anyone get the extra insert of CVS coupons??? I heard some are getting it in the paper today, some got it in the Mail this past week and some are able to get it in store. Let US know!!!
I will post anything good I find - if you need any coupons or find any good deals, post up!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Coupons, what else!!!

This month's All You has some decent coupons - quite a few I don't use, if anyone needs anything, lmk.

THey also have an article about couponing (BIG shock - most mags and papers have important info to use now)

My thing is that I only coupon for what I need. I scour the net for qp's I can't get through circulars, I take full advantage of BOGO's and stack qp's with them whenever possible, I am serious about how I use and gain ECB's & Register Rewards in order to get more and payless.

The most difficult thing we qp for is our food. Since we are vegetarian (Most of us in our house) and do not eat a lot of processed or "junk" food, the qp's we typically find aren't as helpful to us as they may be for others. However, the other products we DO use - toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, feiminine care, shampoo, deodoramt, household items, etc... - mhave qp's a plenty and that is where we save the most money. Diapers and wipes (disposables and services) aren't cheap, but qp's and codes help out a LOT. 

It does take some work to get started and organization, knowledge and due diligence is VeRy necessary. It is worth it, though and when my whole family gets involved and the kids see how we stretch our dollars, they get excited to do the same and when they accomplish their goals and see how much they get and what cash they still have in their pocket - it is sooooooo worth it!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Bic Pen Giveaway


GOod Luck with this one! I have tried a few times - when I remember and am on around the top of the hour - and no luck, but if you are a "lucky" one, you can get a free pen!!!

The Healing power of Breastmilk

The other day I noticed a pimple beginning to appear, so I rubbed a little bit of my milk on it and the next day it was gone. When I told my daughter, she was completely grossed out, yet I pointed out to her that she is not afraid to put a chemical manufactured at some strange location on her precious skin. Also, I had to point out that the milk that came from my body nourished and enabled her to grow and be the healthy person she has been for the last (almost) 15 years. Of course, she argued that she drank my milk as a baby (until she was 1 y/o and thought she was too big for it) and that food has helped her for the rest of the time. Without a strong foundation and nourishing beginning, she wouldn't have the immune system that (until we got mold in us) kept her healthier than most kids I know - no common illnesses, not even flu, no allergies, or any other health problems!
Breast milk has so many healing properties and is used for a variety of ailments:

Eye infections / Conjuctivitis ("Pink Eye"):  Squirt into the eye.  Do this as frequently as possible until healed.  If the baby/child doesn’t allow you to squirt breastmilk into his eye, then do it while they are sleeping.  Squirt around the crease of closed eyes, then gently lift the lids to allow the breastmilk to seep into the eye.

Sore/cracked nipples:  Rub into nipples after feedings and air dry.

Scratches/Scrapes/Cuts:  Squirt & clean wound first with the breastmilk; then apply some more on wound and air dry.  This is really great when on outings where no ready water supply is available.  If the cut is on the lips or mouth area, healing will be easy for a breastfeeding baby or child.

Mosquito bites / Ant bites: Squirt on bite and rub in.  Helps to stop the itching.

Ear infections: Squirt or pour into sore ear

Acne / Eczema / Diaper rash:  Wash skin with water, then apply breastmilk all over.  Air Dry.

Facial Cleanser:  Apply breastmilk on face & wipe clean.

Sore throats/Mouth Sores:  A baby/child that is still breastfeeding can benefit by directly nursing.  If not, drinking a cup of expressed breastmilk will help.

Stuffy noses: Squirt into nose and suction or squeeze out as you would with saline.

If you have an older child/spouse who is sick, give them some breastmilk.  It's a great immunity booster!

Any other uses you have tried?

Free Welch's Sandwich Keeper


Check out this link to download a form, after purchasing some jelly and receive a sandwich keeper - free!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Any good ones out there that I can try/share with vegetarian options.... Let me know. Also, If you need any ideas, I may have a few...

Feng Shui

I have been getting a lot of requests for information on Feng Shui lately - for health, conception, finances, etc... so I will add links as I find them and research through personal resources when requested...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hypothyroidism and the Nursing Mother

I have Hypothyroid and am nursing and not a big fan of taking any chemicals - especially when I am nursing.
Although I am still fighting the mold illness, I do feel like my thyroid is down right now and am going to nutrition smart to get the alternative therapies for Hypo.
I know what all the reports say about the prescription meds - safe to use when nursing; trace amounts that do not affect the baby - ummm, any amount will affect the baby! My second daughter's thyroid was messed up and had to be tested every couple of weeks for the first six months of her life b/c of MY meds!!!
I don't want to suffer the side effects in my health, either. Lately I have been far more tired, sluggish and delayed - but that could be Mold Illness, too!!!

So, my question to all of you is....
What would you do?
Risk the chance of causing harm to your child's endocrine system for life, or cause an imbalance in you that may result in something - or nothing, depending on what you do to naturally remedy the situation?

Friday, July 1, 2011


Yes, I coupon and I am proud to say it. I like to save and use coupons on anything I can. I am a FAN, but I am not a "Swiper". I like to keep it fair and get what we need and share my coupons with others who truly need them - Especially families!!
Here are a few links I like to use that help me and I really hope will help some of you, too....

Addicted To Saving - Facebook

Southern Savers

Coupon Divas

There are TONS more, I know, but these will help get you started and help get some freebies. Also, All You is a great place to get free stuff. They have a daily give away and if you sign up, they will send you an e- reminder everyday.
I will add these to my resource list and more, but go ahead, get started on those savings now!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Resource List

I am currently working to update my resource list and get it posted here as quick as possible. If anyone has a resource they would like to see on here, please let me know. Thanks!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sometimes you have to give a little to get a lot. Kids aren't naturally motivated to clean the house - or even their rooms. A little encouragement is necessary in most cases and incentives can e fun and exciting. Incentives don't always have to be monetary - a trip to the park/playground, a chance to ride their bike or stay outside longer, have a friend over for an overnight visit...
Compromise and incentives can be useful for both parent and child!

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's amazing how a child can change your life and your temper!!!
Don't let the small things they do make you crazy or that's all you will be. Learn to breathe through the things they say and do that drive you nuts - after all, kids don't arrive knowing everything (they think they do) and need to learn from good examples. Patience & understanding are strong virtues that so many adults lack. Kindness and consideration are two more things that are hardly seen in society any more.
These gifts have two things in common - they are free and bountiful, if you are willing to provide them.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Help! My 8 year old is always in trouble!!

Momcierge - My 8 y/o son is always getting in trouble at school and home. His teachers are so fed up with his behavior at school, they don't want him there any more. At home he gets in so much trouble all he is allowed to do is stay in his room and has no toys any more. I don't know what to do with him and am going bonkers trying to get him to calm down and act right!